Sunday 10 June 2007

Gordon Brown must get off racist bandwagon before he goes beyond point of no return!

The Muhammad Haque daily political commentary on another racist Sunday presented via the criminally irresposnble and lethal collusion of the BBC's so-called factual slots. From Andrew Maar's pathetically stupid AM slot through to the Politics Show on which the increasingly shameless and de facto RACIST disaffection-generating minister Ruth Kelly appeared as gormlessly stupidly racistly as it could be pssible to imagine.

Just where do these people think they are pushing this country to?

Do they want the country to explode?

Or do they want to start addressing the real issue - that of unaccountable elected post holders across the board?

On the one hand there is uncontrolled abuse of office from Blair down to the local Council chief executive. On the other even the most 'British' Mail on Sunday reveals that the Police have suppressed the truth about the USA's CIA torture flights from England. The Mail on Sunday heading says, "THE PROOF" and then it details the evidence. "Police say 'There is no evidence of torture flights to Britain' why did this CIA plane land on Suffolk last week?"

This comes in the 'wake' of the forced confessions made by the Blair regime via their in-house lie-sheet the Guardian to the effect that British arms-dealing regimes have been bribing the Saudis for decades to make the Saudis buy weapons of mass destruction from Britain!

Against this background, the pro-Iraq-attack OBSERVER publishes the grotesquely racist piece, giving platforms to an assortment of racists and pro-racist elements that do not deserve the space, let alone the platforms given them by the idiotic Ruth Kelly.,,2099541,00.html

To these racists, there is no British bribery of the Saudis, no British collaboration with the CIA torture flights

To these racists, there is a fantasy land called ‘BRITISH’ which is invoked when ether they want to score points against the most deprived and disenfranchised of the population.

But the racist OBSERVER [which is the racist Guardian in print on Sundays] has concealed another big fact, a fact which we shall exclusively disclsoe and dissect in the course of the next seven days.

[To be continued]